The Canadian Therapeutic Platform Trial for
Multidomain Interventions to Prevent Dementia
Who is This Study for?
This study is for Canadians between 60-85 who are concerned about their risk of dementia and want to learn how to make changes to help lower that risk.
Some factors that may increase your risk of developing dementia are:
Having a first degree relative (parent, sibling, or child) who has/had dementia
Having an inactive lifestyle now or in the past
Having high blood pressure now or in the past
Having high cholesterol now or in the past
Having a high body mass index (BMI)
We are looking for participants who have one or more of the above risk factors who have not been diagnosed with dementia (Alzheimer disease, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal dementia). You may be eligible to enroll if you have been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
A primary health care provider is required for participation in case unexpected medical concerns are found during the study period.

What Would I Learn?
As part of the study, you will enroll in Brain Health PRO, which is an online educational program that will teach you about lifestyle changes that may help lower your risk of dementia.
You will learn about changes you can make to your diet, exercise, sleep, social activities and more to help improve your brain health.
The program will be personalized to target your brain health needs and your interests, and you will see how lifestyle changes may affect your risk profile throughout the study.
In addition to helping you improve your brain health, you will be helping Canadian researchers learn if Brain Health PRO is a good way to engage with the wider population of older adults to help them make lifestyle choices that will promote brain health.
What Would I Have to do?
Participation in the study will be over 12 months, and will be completed entirely from your home. Anyone living in Canada who meets the study criteria is invited to participate!
Throughout the study you will be asked to:
Complete tests of memory and thinking, questionnaires, and a brief neurological exam.
Wear a wristband to track activity and a sensor headband to track your sleep.
Participate in the online Brain Health PRO and complete brief online tests of memory and thinking.
Provide a saliva sample.

Brain Health PRO Learning Modules
Brain Health Overview
Physical Activity
Cognitively Stimulating Activities
Social and Psychological Health
Vascular Health
Vision and Hearing

University of British Columbia
Site Principal Investigator:
Dr. Haakon Nygaard

University of Toronto/Baycrest
Site Principal Investigator:
Dr. Howard Chertkow


University of New Brunswick
Site Principal Investigators:
Dr. Pam Jarrett
Dr. Chris McGibbon
Anyone Living in Canada is Invited to Participate in This Fully Online Study, Which Will be Facilitated by the Following Research Sites:

Université de Montréal/
Site Principal Investigator:
Dr. Sylvie Belleville

Gait and Brain Laboratory, Parkwood Research Institute
Site Principal Investigator:
Dr. Manuel Montero-Odasso
Cognitive Clinical Research Group, Parkwood Research Institute
Site Principal Investigator:
Dr. Michael Borrie

Centre of Excellence for Healthy Aging, Cape Breton University
Site Principal Investigator:
Dr. Ken Rockwood
Testimonials From Participants in the Brain Health PRO Pilot Study Dec. 2021-Mar. 2022

“Having a close family member and friends affected by dementia I know the importance of maintaining the health of my brain and my body. Brain Health PRO explains the health related factors that can lead to dementia in clear and understandable language. Brain Health PRO has motivated me to work to improve my overall health. I need to maintain my brain health for my own sake and for the sake of my family.”
- Emsley P., Vancouver, BC

I am enjoying Brain Health PRO very much. I look forward to the weekly email so I can learn more about dementia and the modifiable risks. There is a lot of information in there and the videos are very well done. The narrator’s voice is very smooth and easy to understand. The text in the slides are very helpful to understand. Hats off to the developers of this program!
- Louise, Moncton, NB

Funding and Support

This study is part of CAN-THUMBS UP which falls under the umbrella of CCNA, a research organization funded by the Government of Canada, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and other partners. This is a not for profit, academic study.